Saturday, January 5, 2008

Miracle in my life on New Year's Day

This New Year's Day has turned out to be one of the most memorable days in my life. I am sharing here a miracle that happened in my life on this (2008) New Year's day.

Trying to earn some additional income, I had been trying ways of working online. I had accepted a new online job offer with a foreign employer just a month ago in December. It was a good offer and I have been put on training. I was pleasantly surprised when the first month's salary arrived in the middle of Decemeber itself. Pleased with this timely reward for all that strained efforts and long hours I have put in, I renewed my efforts with full vigor.

The New Year's day begain with prayers and greetings. The first thing I saw in my mail box was the news that my second month's salary had been doubled and already been credited to my account! What would I call it? This is nothing short of a miracle for me. I have heard people say it, but now I say with all certainty, miracles do happen!


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