Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gifting an Elderly

Elderly people enjoy gifts only if they can really make use of them.

So it is necessary to know their likes and dislikes, habits and to some extent their unfulfilled wishes.

It may not be possible to do exactly what the elders may enjoy, but it is easy to find out through normal conversations about what they would love to have or do.

Here are a few ideas of what elders may love to have:

1. Phones that have magnified letters and numbers and display on screen.

2. Games they enjoy.

3. Subscription for regular massage

4. Ticket to a concerts or events they love

5. Coupons to eat out

6. Gift vouchers to buy whatever they want

7. Book/DVD/Audio books of their choice

These are a few ways to show your love to your elders and make them feel how much you care.  They would also let you know of their experience which will be mutually satisfying.  You can choose gifts that can create long term memories and can really make their life a bit easier and happier.

One of the ways to show that you care is to choose gifts that really convey that you care.  It is as simple as that.  Otherwise gifting will remain just a ritual or routine.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spa Gift Certificates - Show Your Loved Ones That You Care!

Wondering what to gift this time of the year? If you are running short of ideas, just take a look at "Wayspa Gift certificates. They would not only enjoy your gift,they would love you more than ever, because it is so convenient and for them. Why are Wayspa Gift Certificates so special?

1. They can be used in 1000s of spas worldwide.
2. These Gift Certificates never expire. (Convenience of using them any time)
3. You can add your own perosnal touch to the Gift Certificates by customizing them.
4. Avail free service for emailing, shipping or print your Gift Certificates.
5. You can buy online and gift it to anyone living anywhere in the world.

The possibilities now are endless! You will be glad you found a special gift this time.

After all, gifts are meant to be memorable and memories are everlasting. Aren't they?


Sunday, February 10, 2008

A must have resource for an affiliate marketer

How To Get Others To Promote You N.O.W.By Jimmy D. Brown,
See if you can spot the similarity.
What do the following three statements have in common?
1. I can’t do it right now, but maybe later.2. I’ve already got my mailings scheduled.3. Let me get back to you.
Got the similarity spotted?
These are all typical responses that most people get whenasking partners and affiliates to promote their offers.
Chances are you’ve gotten answers much like these, right?
Don’t despair ... there are ways around the barriers ofreluctance and passiveness.
Let me share some simple ideas for getting affiliates totake action on your promotions quickly. I use the acronym“N.O.W.” to describe three ways to get others to promoteyou now...
N - News
In journalism, no one wants to be “scooped” when it comesto newsworthy items. Sharing some big story that anothernetwork or publication broke days ago is a big “no-no”.You always want to be first when it comes to getting theword out.
That same philosophy applies to what I’ve labeled “ThePrinciple of First”. The idea is simple: being “first tomarket” aids in responses. Those who let their contactsknow about your news promptly will generate the greatestresults. If they wait, someone else will break the news.
So, to apply this principle, you simply need to create somenewsworthy buzz that your affiliates and partners can’tpass up on sharing with their network of influence.
Several months ago I decided that I was going to remove thearchives from one of my membership sites. Thisannouncement served as a strong motivator to get myaffiliates to promote my site promptly before someone elsedid. The result was almost 500 new members paying monthlyfees!
If you make dramatic changes to your offer, or create someother kind of “story” or “news” that warrants discussionpromptly, you’ll find you can get many fence-setters activein promoting you.
O - Occasions
Another great way to motivate affiliates to get active isto use “occasions” that have a real deadline involved.
Some examples include –
* Product launches * Firesales * Live events (teleseminars, workshops, etc.) * Contests * Special offers * Limited quantities
This is what might be referred to as “The Principle OfForce”. That is, you MUST promote the offer now or missout simply because the offer will no longer be valid. You“force” participation.
For example: If you have a 3-day “firesale” set for aspecific date, then anyone interested in earningcommissions for referring customers to the “firesale” wouldbe “forced” to promote it during your pre-determinedtimeframe or they’d miss out because the event will end.
My recommendation is that you schedule some kind of“occasion” every quarter. That should give you foursignificant spikes in your revenue each year, which can bea tremendous boost to your bottom line.
W – Wants
What do your partners and affiliates want? Seriously, stopand think about that for a moment. In fact, go one stepfurther than that and ASK them a simple question...
“What would it take for you to promote this offer this week?”
Make it happen.
I want you to remember the intangibles here: the sales ofyour initial offer aren’t really all that important.(Don’t freak out, hear what I have to say :-) It’sbuilding a lead list, an affiliate list and a customer listalong with ADDITIONAL offers over time that makes the realmoney.
Consider this –
Option A:
Miss Ima Guru ignores your request to promote your offer asit currently stands.
Option B:
Miss Ima Guru accepts your modified offer which includesgiving her 100% of the revenue she generates. You makenothing off her promotion...but in the process of herpromotion she adds 500 new subscribers to your list, 75 newaffiliates and 60 new customers.
Which would you rather have?
Whatever it takes to get people to promote your offer now,make it happen.
*** NOTE ***
Now, let me make a simple suggestion here: The deal youmake should be directly proportional to the potentialresults the partner represents.
Some affiliates and partners bring more to the table andshould be offered more in order to get them to participate.
That being said, you can get virtually any affiliate topromote you now if you make it worth their while. So, askthem, “what will it take?”
This is what I call “The Principle Of Fear”. That is, afeeling of “This is such a compelling offer, I can’t affordto miss out on this deal.”
All of this adds up to more involvement and participationamong your affiliates and partners...
N – News +O – Occasions +W – Wants =-------------------Other people promoting you NOW!
-----------Jimmy D. Brown is the author of the course, "5 PracticesOf Highly Profitable Affiliate Programs". For your freecopy, drop by ------------------------------

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Earning through Affiliate programs

Joining an affiliate program is a way to earn money online. We can have a banner on our site with our affiliate link. For any purchase through our links, we earn commission. I am promoting Jimmy D Brown's product here through the above banner. This product is for generating traffic to our website and thereby get sales.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Why not gift yourself?

Ever cared about gifitng yourself? All of us give gifts to our loved ones on many occasions. We cherish those shared moments of joy. The glint in the eye of the receiver is priceless. Imagine how someone would feel at the time of receiving a gift at the most unexpected moment. You deserve it once in a while. Try giving a gift to yourself. It may be as trivial as the ticket for that concert you have not been able to enjoy, or the long time dream of visiting that dream destination. With the spring on your feet and that peppy song on your lips, try gifting yourself!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Miracle in my life on New Year's Day

This New Year's Day has turned out to be one of the most memorable days in my life. I am sharing here a miracle that happened in my life on this (2008) New Year's day.

Trying to earn some additional income, I had been trying ways of working online. I had accepted a new online job offer with a foreign employer just a month ago in December. It was a good offer and I have been put on training. I was pleasantly surprised when the first month's salary arrived in the middle of Decemeber itself. Pleased with this timely reward for all that strained efforts and long hours I have put in, I renewed my efforts with full vigor.

The New Year's day begain with prayers and greetings. The first thing I saw in my mail box was the news that my second month's salary had been doubled and already been credited to my account! What would I call it? This is nothing short of a miracle for me. I have heard people say it, but now I say with all certainty, miracles do happen!


Friday, December 21, 2007

Miracles in our lives

I am a believer of miracles, as they have happened a few times in my life. I will share one here.

On a public holiday our family of six including small kids the Muttukkadu back waters of the famous Marina beach in Chennai, South India. After a joyful day at around 5-30 in the evening we set out to catch the bus for our return trip. a sudden heavy downpour drenched us and there was no sight of the bus. The evening began to be windy, chilling and dark. Cars and other vehicles were whizzing past us that prompted me to say "how nice if we get a ride in any of these cars!".
Phew! A white jeep that went past us in our homeward direction stopped and the reversed slowly and stopped in front of us. To our surprise, a voice called, "Are you headed towards Thiruvanmiyur?"
That was exactly our destination where we could take another bus to our home. Needless to say we had a safe and comfortable journey back. The two male occupants of the Jeep quickly made space for the six of us by rearranging some of their things. They were doctors who were returning after being on vigil at the car rally nearby. I recall this incident with gratitude till this day.

If you have come across such miracles, however small, share it here.


Thursday, November 22, 2007


Gifting - Have you experienced this?
When it comes to gifts, have you ever thought beyond the usual stuff like Diamonds, jewels, books and Gizmos?

Why not Holiday package, Vacations, Treatments, Insurance, Study courses, Subscriptions and Services? Have you ever given or received one of these?

It would be interesting to know and share the emotions and excitement connected with this diffeent way of giving and receiving gift.

Feelings are the same wherever in the world we are; so come on, let us share them!
