Friday, December 21, 2007

Miracles in our lives

I am a believer of miracles, as they have happened a few times in my life. I will share one here.

On a public holiday our family of six including small kids the Muttukkadu back waters of the famous Marina beach in Chennai, South India. After a joyful day at around 5-30 in the evening we set out to catch the bus for our return trip. a sudden heavy downpour drenched us and there was no sight of the bus. The evening began to be windy, chilling and dark. Cars and other vehicles were whizzing past us that prompted me to say "how nice if we get a ride in any of these cars!".
Phew! A white jeep that went past us in our homeward direction stopped and the reversed slowly and stopped in front of us. To our surprise, a voice called, "Are you headed towards Thiruvanmiyur?"
That was exactly our destination where we could take another bus to our home. Needless to say we had a safe and comfortable journey back. The two male occupants of the Jeep quickly made space for the six of us by rearranging some of their things. They were doctors who were returning after being on vigil at the car rally nearby. I recall this incident with gratitude till this day.

If you have come across such miracles, however small, share it here.
